The Bride of Pinbot



Born in the Philippines in the 1950s, Nike explored different corners of the world throughout his life. In Brazil, where he grew up, the heartbreaking scenes of stark life disparities left an indelible mark on his soul. He experimented with various forms of art, seeking to capture the deep emotions he had felt since childhood, to create a visual language that could "speak without words."

His Pinball series depicts the odyssey of creation, coming of age, struggle, overcoming adversity, and rest. Drawing inspiration from ancient philosophies and astrology, he evokes cosmic builders intimately linked to planets, whose role is to hold human souls in the material realm. Whether angels or demons, these powerful beings reign over humanity, their influence shaping the tension of opposites that guide our actions. Nike delves into the quest for transcendence of earthly cycles, seeking to discern a path that leads beyond the limits of our earthly existence.

From a very young age, Nike was captivated by the realm of expression, inspired by his mother, Anita Magsaysay-Ho, a renowned Philippine painter associated with the movements of social realism and post-cubism. Their shared artistic exploration during his childhood gave birth to a deep need within him to distill the essence of existence onto paper.

Respecting his father's wishes, he conscientiously pursued a completely different path. However, the seeds of artistic expression continued to grow within him. Throughout these years, the ideas and thoughts that would later form the core of his art grew and matured in his mind. The experiences he encountered during his travels, the poignant moments where he witnessed human suffering, and profound questions about the meaning of existence shaped his artistic vision. His journey eventually led him back to his true calling, as a humble conduit for collective understanding, a silent reminder of shared and often painful humanity.

I aim to evoke empathy in viewers, inviting them to find their own interpretations in a simple expression that echoes the uncertainty and ambiguity of life.
— Nike