
We Have Finally Arrived

Sometimes called the Black Eye or the Sleeping Beauty, the galactic cluster The Hair of Berenice spreads out between the constellation of Leo in the west and that of Bouvier in the east. It is home to an astonishing galaxy, almost entirely composed of dark matter, a subject that has been veiled until now in astrophysics. "Dark" because it does not radiate into the Universe and does not reflect or emit light.

Invisible, elusive... Yet it is responsible for the force of gravity that holds galaxies together. Dark matter and its evocations of duality, antithesis and limit are at the center of Evatsora's work.

The artist relates what could be called "the dark soul of the cosmos", a concept borrowed from Carl Jung’s common unconscious. It suggests that there exists a shared reservoir of universal human experiences, symbols, and archetypes deep within our psyches. This common unconscious transcends individual experiences and culture, revealing the interconnectedness of human thought and emotion.

Through her work, EvaTsora can evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity, inviting viewers to contemplate the profound connections between the mysteries of the universe and the depths of the human mind.

"My work is a visual translation of the duality between chaos and order, an exercise around the duality between the recurring chaos of our lives and our desire for a grip on reality."